Waves everywhere lately, at least we have a good excuse when a board takes to long. Here is a few pictures from just a few hours ago. Thanks To Eric Knutson for bringing out his Iphone to take the pictures, He's got some skills.
We let our friend Alex ride a little 4'10 Quadini tonight.
Needless to say he was ripping

Here comes Firemarshall Matt testing out the QUADINI in some rounder surf
Alex again

We also scored some Point Panic with that S swell
The glassing racks
Matt prepping some boards for glosses
Some new paintings
Carl made a replica of this old pink twin fin shaped by John Mel. The original was an all pink kneeboard/fish thing with the name "Pink Lady" in cursive on the bottom. Here she is in a new life. from sanding room to surf in a matter of min.
we have 3 QUADINIS for sale here at Third Stone Surf Shop in front of our factory.