Here is Ross Pottinger laying down a carve while guiding a surf tour for Liquid Destination, Maldives. Too bad he is wearing a silly surf hat. Could have been a cool shot :)
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Waves everywhere lately, at least we have a good excuse when a board takes to long. Here is a few pictures from just a few hours ago. Thanks To Eric Knutson for bringing out his Iphone to take the pictures, He's got some skills.
We let our friend Alex ride a little 4'10 Quadini tonight.

The glassing racks
Matt prepping some boards for glosses
Some new paintings
Carl made a replica of this old pink twin fin shaped by John Mel. The original was an all pink kneeboard/fish thing with the name "Pink Lady" in cursive on the bottom. Here she is in a new life. from sanding room to surf in a matter of min.
we have 3 QUADINIS for sale here at Third Stone Surf Shop in front of our factory.
We let our friend Alex ride a little 4'10 Quadini tonight.
Needless to say he was ripping

Here comes Firemarshall Matt testing out the QUADINI in some rounder surf
We also scored some Point Panic with that S swell
The glassing racks
Matt prepping some boards for glosses
Some new paintings
Carl made a replica of this old pink twin fin shaped by John Mel. The original was an all pink kneeboard/fish thing with the name "Pink Lady" in cursive on the bottom. Here she is in a new life. from sanding room to surf in a matter of min.

we have 3 QUADINIS for sale here at Third Stone Surf Shop in front of our factory.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Honolua Blomfield
Congratulations to Honolua for getting into Free Surf Magazine's Wahine issue. We love how she is not afraid to ride anything in the water, long or short.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Single Fin VS Single Fin
We have been scoring some of the best logging waves of the year this past week. Lots of water time, here is a couple photos taken by Keoki. He should be the one pictures though, he rips everything that floats.
Here is Matt soaking up Chuns before his move to Maui for Firefighting gig. Congrats Matt, Im sure he wont miss sanding and polishing in the slightest.

Single fin vs Single fin
A new little pelican creature
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Resin Lady
If you follow the blog there was a post or two about our mannequin adventures. well here she is. Almost a year later and plenty of excess resin. And Yes those are crows on her shoulder :)
Carl the Wizard putting some new rockers in a few blanks
Here is the result of some live painting at the Honolulu Academy of art. Too bad Welzie wont be invited back after the Jack and Cokes led to some painting on their building
This is the backside of the recycled window that was painted
These boards came out pretty cool. Carl got some Welzie art printed on some cloth we glassed into the boards
tail patches anyone?
Nice little board
moving foreward
Just started doing this. Some white script for Steve P
Tail Patches close up
Work in Progress
Time to draw
Matt Sanding TK's Dad new board
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