I came across this picture of myself and these two old friends tonight and got nostalgic. In the orange tie we have Kyle Buthman and in between is Noah best. I've been building these guys boards since they were just wee little groms. I'll never forget having to give Noah the boot from one of my parties because he was too young to be drinking and had the nerve to ask me if it was OK if he did. Of course not! It was too late that he realized that if he hadn't asked, I would have never "noticed" ... but now he holds his beer with ease. And the pretty girl is Kyle's girlfriend. Couple of big grown-ups now. Good stuff.
It inspired me to dig around and find some pictures of those guys... I've always got something stuck somewhere... Here's KyleAnd Kyle again. Look at that style! I swear it's straight out of the 80's... He's getting rad!!
Here's a link to a surf flick that Kyle filmed and produced a couple years ago
Get Rad 2010 trailer (You gotta buy the full length deal, but you get the idea :) There's a second one too...

Mr. #1 still getting slotted....
And one more. Backside attack force..! -Carl