Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Art shows and all that

Here's great tribute to our recently passed friend Kirk aka Fanta that drew toonz did this past week. 
It was part of a bit of an art show we recently participated in at the factory. Welzie's perched up on this ladder painting a few complementary astrix
We got the yellowfin finished up too.
And some boards too. I don't have any pics on my phone from the show tho... boo. Maybe Welzie does. Check back tomorrow. :) -Carl 

Santa Crows

Every year we swear that we're not going to yield to Xmas rush requests... And every year we end up doing a bunch of Xmas rush boards. Santa Crows 
I really liked this board, it's our midrange board scaled down to an 8'10" for Tayna. She's got it figured out. Contact us a month and and half or so before your surf trip to hawaii and have a board waiting for you when you get off the plane. Screw bringing your boards from home. Smart girl.
Lastly a picture from Welzies recent show at Wyland Haleiwa. Sorry it's not that good of one... That's Christie Shinns art on the wall to the right. She's one of our favorite artists. Give her a google if you've never heard. -Carl 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Tuna Tuesdays

We're working on a pretty cool yellow fin tuna right now. 
My friends tell me it would be about a 100 pounder in real life. 
All I know tho is all those fins were a bitch to sand! But the finished product is well worth it. Hopefully we'll get a chance to shoot a gloss tonight. That will really make the colors pop! 

Monday, December 9, 2013

Thanksgiving sunset

Awesome shot I took thanksgiving evening. We hope all of you out in cyberville had a wonderful one! 
How's this shot of Honolua we pulled down from instagram? One of the best shots of a woman surfer we've seen in a while... We might be a bit biased but who cares :)
Another CA noserider heading off to Virginia. So shiney! 
Welzie's always got something going. This is my current favorite! -Carl 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

We're still Kick'n

Everybody keeps asking what happened to us! We didn't realize how many people followed us on this here blog... We got so used to instagram that we figured that the world had moved to that medium with us. But fear not, we've got a blogger app installed on our phones now so it should be a bit easier to keep this place updated. We'll try our hardest! For those of you who have instagram, you can find us @two_crows_surfboards and also @shapeyshapey (Carl) and @welzie_art (Welzie). Tune back in later for more! -Carl 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Waylon at Malibu

Here is Waylon Olsen perched down at Malibu

Two Crows Surfboards

Here is some boards that have been going through the shop...

Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday, July 5, 2013

Catching up

Keoki took this amazing photo of Rosie and her board. He is as good with the lens as he is on the nose.

The Office has now turned into an art studio, now WELZIE has his own version of a shaping room to hide out in :)

 Our friend Jared works as a tattoo artist on Maui and sent this over. I don't know if the guy in this picture  asked for a Two Crows board on his arm but he sure did get one. WOW

a mural under way in Waialua

The paintings have new frames

Trim the Twin resin art

Here is Matts new barrel board. Short, 5 fin set up. little extra volume under the chest for paddling. Flatter rocker. designed with Backdoor in mind...

Simple Small Days

New boards

Here is some recent and not so recent boards. Stay tuned as we try to start blogging again...

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Maldives Single fin Session

Here is Ross Pottinger laying down a carve while guiding a surf tour for Liquid Destination,  Maldives. Too bad he is wearing a silly surf hat. Could have been a cool shot :)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Waves everywhere lately, at least we have a good excuse when a board takes to long. Here is a few pictures from just a few hours ago. Thanks To Eric Knutson for bringing out his Iphone to take the pictures, He's got some skills.

We let our friend Alex ride a little 4'10 Quadini tonight.

Needless to say he was ripping


Here comes Firemarshall Matt testing out the QUADINI in some rounder surf

Alex again

We also scored some Point Panic with that S swell

The glassing racks

Matt prepping some boards for glosses

Some new paintings

Carl made a replica of this old pink twin fin shaped by John Mel. The original was an all pink kneeboard/fish thing with the name "Pink Lady" in cursive on the bottom. Here she is in a new life. from sanding room to surf in a matter of min.

we have 3 QUADINIS for sale here at Third Stone Surf Shop in front of our factory.


Friday, May 17, 2013

Honolua Blomfield

Congratulations to Honolua for getting into Free Surf Magazine's Wahine issue. We love how she is not afraid to ride anything in the water, long or short.