After beer soaked weekend in Malibu we were back in the shop monday night changing booze for resin fumes. Poor Carl's email is filling up with orders while I get to play with pretty colors like a five year old in the glassing room. The new 3 color freestyle is looking pretty cool and I can't wait to post some pictures as soon as they are done. Spending the most of the last 3 days working on code of my latest creative blunder I was pretty pumped to launch it yesterday afternoon. With all our larger projects out of the way it's time to get artsy again, maybe I'll grow a little girl haircut and wear too tight of jeans before I finish my resin paintings. Or put on a v-neck and mascara as I work on my piece for the O'neil wetsuits art show in Feb. Nah, a strong black cup of coffee will do just fine.-nick