Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Mowing Foam

Slave labour. Carl Olsen.
Usually I hold a grudge or a chip on my shoulder for shapers. Usually they are pretty full of themselves as they tidey up their machine shaped boards. Growing up as a sander I have delt with many self proclaimed shapers and personal legends. Sanders always got the blame for everything. Teaming up with Carl has slowly changed my mind towards the shapers of foam. 
This guy mows foam. 
He is fast and percise and consistant. No soul hand sanding or clunky moves. Carl is plowing through foam like its his last day on earth as a shaper. 
17 boards in 4 days. 
By hand. 
No complaints.
There is not that many board builders his age with this type of productivity. Its a dying breed. Some guys are buying shaping machines before they learn how to sharpen skill 100 blades. 
Style Free.
We spent most of the last 4 days at our new location in the Sugar Mill, the Third Stone Factory. It is perfect. Home sweet home. There is a ton of action around and things happening. Brian King. The main attraction of the place. He glasses across the hall. We worked together for years, years ago at Charlie Walkers. Brian is probably one of the most abstract creative thinkers I know, not to mention an extremely original talented artists. Dane Reynolds would probably give him a blow job if he saw the drawings Brian was doing. His glassing and shaping logo are always changing but his current is the best. Special Resin. I got to take a picture of it. Its Hilarious.
Cody upstairs does screen printing so we mucked around with hats while I was waiting for resin to kick. Shirts and hats are on their way. I love it, everything is in house. We stay past midnight one night, after waiting a half day for the shaping bay to clear. In one of the photos you can see the large pile of foam and the tiny one to the right of it.
They are all different and the same.
We crash in the van so we can get a early start before the other guys show up to use the room. 2 days to go and time is running out. 9 boards left. No worries. Two Crows is the king of busting out. We get 'em done.
We're done.
He's done.
My work has begun.
Time for a week of solitary confinement in the fume tomb.
Clean Lines

Notice the little pile in the Right corner with the stringer foam... notice our pile. Board Builders vs. Tinkerer 

Blurred resin vision


Lamination Station

Carl working on Mark's board

The Third Stone Surfboard Factory

The van in the Waialua Sugar Mill

Cody Making two crows Hats