Monday, February 6, 2012

Back in Black

Its been a busy week at the shop, Carl left a bunch of shaped boards behind. A lot of cool boards getting glassed. Barry picked up his board the other day, a black beauty with a little freestyle pink and green. Black is probably the hardest color to polish out as is shows all the scratches, luckily I got a few tricks, the board came out great. 2+1 set up with black boxes...stealthy

The new indoor hang out area. Check the art on the wall by Drew Toonz, pretty killer. It's classic when someone is sitting there. I think were going to nail a tall boy in his hand :)

Johns board. The white is going to get some big black stripes. He wanted a Greg Noll theme and green which I thought was a pretty sick idea.

A close up of some art on the wall, or is that a board?

Daniel Jone's little Mini Sim Quad thingy. It's a 4 '10