Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Back and forth

Man we are keeping up a pretty frantic pace these days. When we first started this project it was pretty leisurely. I would hang out in Hawaii for a month or so, then fly back to Santa Cruz for a while. After a few months Nick would need more work and it was back out there to freestyle around with him. Now we've got shops, rents, dates, spreadsheets, deadlines and time tables. They say you spend half your life working, so you better be doing something you love. Nick and I are lucky. When it gets tough we still enjoy it... even when we are arguing about who was supposed to polish those two minis that got shipped to Santa Cruz... it's really not that bad, considering. 
Who knows what this is? :) 
 I brought back a couple Minis for Ryan and Gus this trip. Ryan's is this 5'0" and Gus's is the Yellow 6'0".

Love that yellow... looks like butter. -Carl