Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Two Crows Shirts

I was avoiding the glassing room today after polishing out Seth's new board, I just wasn't feeling the resin. These days are good to be spent sanding or polishing but today I was all caught up in that department. What's a guy to do. Luckily Cody had picked up a bunch of blank shirts the other day, so I figured I would do a bit of sampling with all the screens we had made. A few came out really nice but I have a hard time not getting pigment on the areas are supposed to be clean. The first shirt I grabbed I somehow managed to get orange on the nice clean white shirt (Thats why I where black). Eventually I got it under way and managed to get about 6 dozen shirts made. Here is some pics from the day. -n

Here is Seth's board. Thanks for the Tall Boys!

Surfboard builders die younger


Health Care shirt.