Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Smuggling contraband

The baggage conveyor has stopped.
"Unzip your bag sir."
...I knew that there would be problems coming though security with half a planer in my bag.
"What's this..." Pulling out the plastic bag that I've stowed in my carry-on containing my planer and some bits of my vacuum system.
"It's a tool, I removed all the sharp bits so I could pack it in my bag..."
"What kind of tool?"
"A power planer..."
She's skeptical. This doesn't happen often.
"And this?" She pulls out a latex rubber hose that's halfway to being a slinky...
Hmm... "It's a hose."
She glares at me.
"It goes like this..." I start attempting to assemble the unit in the middle of the San Jose International Airport.
"Ok sir, move on..." Hastily...
She doesn't smile, obviously I must be some sort of threat that she hasn't quite figured out, but I'm glad to be on my way. I smile, reflecting on a time when I got stopped in HNL with 10 longboard fins taped together with about 30 blank white T-shirts packed in my bag. And that was it. I'm pretty sure they thought I was smuggling cocaine the way they acted that time.
Ahh... the adventures of the traveling surfboard builder.
Just 8 hours before I was attacking a yellow resin panel that went south on me with my grinder. Minor, but still a reality shocker when you're standing in line at the airport being grilled over your stripped down power tool.

All that aside, cool board for Seth Bowman just finished up last night- Pretty sweet camo freestyle.

Made it to Hawaii. 
And here we are. Sitting around in the shop in a "meeting" :) Good to be back. -Carl